The Hustler Blogger Award!

The Hustler Blogger Award was created by Mark Anthony (go check out his blog RIGHT NOW I DEMAND YOU!) The reason he called it “Hustler Blogger Award” is because “I aim to give it to virtual space users out there who really keeps pushing not just for self-progress, but also to inspire other people through their website content”.




The Rules

  1. Make sure the award banner (above) is in the award post!
  2. Be sure to give Mark Anthony ( pingback on your post, so he will be able to read them.
  3. Nominate bloggers (more than five!)
  4. Answer these questions :
    ° Why did you start a blog?° What/who inspired you to do it?° What motivates you to keep pushing and creating content and make your site alive?° Who are your fave bloggers? And how do they urge you to grow as well?

    ° What lesson/s have you learned through your experience?

    ° Has blogging brought an impact to you as a person? If yes, what are these?

    ° Not everyone is confident enough to start a blog. What advice can you give ’em?

    ° Give 3 facts about you as a blogger (strengths or flaws)

    ° Drop down your blog post which you are most proud of (together with the link so we can read it)




The Questions

Why did you start a blog?

I started my blog out of pure boredom on a January evening in 2015. I HATE the beginning of the years (I don’t now as much) so I wanted to start something exciting that I could get passionate about so I wouldn’t feel bored and down. And so I created this blog 🙂 I also wanted it to be a place I could write out my thoughts and possibly help someone who was like me.


What/who inspired you to do it?

As much as I cringe to say it, I had just finished Girl Online by Zoella and thought that creating a blog would be a fun thing to do to help me through my own struggles.


What motivates you to keep pushing and creating content and make your site alive?

I’m not going to lie, motivation to keep this blog running is quite difficult for me. I like doing it because it’s a place for me to express my own opinions and articulate myself, as well as a place where I can write, which I love to do. If anything motivates me at all, it’s the fact that I can spread awareness and my thoughts on certain topics and also possibly helping people.


Who are your fave bloggers? And how do they urge you to grow as well?

I’ve had so many favourite bloggers over the years, ones who I have become friends with too! Having friends to blog with is encouraging and helps me to grow because it pushes me to put out better content like them. Some of these people include Elm, who I used to blog with AGES ago, Josh Gross, who has been a massive support on this blog, Mia (who used to be known as Crystals and Curls), who creates amazing content that motivates me. There’s loads more!


What lesson/s have you learned through your experience?

The main lesson I think is REREAD WHAT I WROTE! I used to make SOOOOOO many spelling, grammar, punctuation mistakes in my posts so I have learnt to reread and reread my work! Apart from that, I have learnt a lot about the things I write about too since they require research! This blog has made me way smarter than I used to be. I feel a lot more knowledgeable about certain things and less ignorant.


Has blogging brought an impact to you as a person? If yes, what are these?

As I said, it’s made me less ignorant. I have done a lot of research about different things like racism and sexism and mental health and that has changed me as a person and changed my perspective and opinions. I’m so glad that this blog has done that because it has also made me feel like a better person! It has also improved my writing skills! 🙂


Not everyone is confident enough to start a blog. What advice can you give them?

I would say just give it a go! Try it out for three months and if you decide it’s not for you, then you can just delete it. It’s nerve racking sharing yourself online like that, I understand, because I have been there, but you will soon get used to it and comfortable with it and it creates a therapeutic escape I think! Like everything in life, give it a chance. Don’t pressure yourself into obtaining 100 followers by a month, or posting everyday, etc. Blogging is a lot more than just about the numbers!


Give 3 facts about you as a blogger (strengths or flaws)

  • I would say I’m quite dedicated to my posts. I will do a lot of research about something I am writing about such as my previous post about Death Celebrations, etc. I enjoy researching too because it means I learn a lot from it.
  • My motivation fluctuates. Sometimes I will post loads and sometimes I’ll take months away from blogging because I’m not motivated or I’m busy with other things like Uni and work. I’m trying to get better at that though! 😅
  • I LOVE reading other people’s posts and engaging with other people in the blogosphere. I always love finding new blogs too! If there are any cool bloggers you know, please link them in the comments.


Drop down your blog post which you are most proud of (together with the link so we can read it)

This is super hard because I’m not really sure which one I am most proud of. I’m usually a very self critical person about things I create but with this blog, I am surprisingly proud of a lot of it. Dark Skin is one I am proud of because it was the first time, on this blog, I talked about my insecurities with my skin colour and I felt proud that I reached a point where I could openly talk about it and not just that, use it as a way to discuss white privilege and problems with racism and my own experiences. It definitely could have been written better but it was a while ago and it was the start of me discussing racism and the media on this blog, which is very important to me.




My Nominees

Mark Anthony – even though you created this award, you deserve to be nominated to do it yourself 🙂

Happy Panda



Arabella Says So

Yeo Ye Hang


Thank you again, Mark, for the nomination. I can’t wait to see other people’s posts on this! Please make sure to link me or notify me so I can read them!



4 thoughts on “The Hustler Blogger Award!

  1. Happy Panda says:

    Aww, thank you so much for the nomination. Sorry for getting back this late – I’ve had a busy week!
    Blogging is so amazing – I think what motivates me is the friends I’ve made! Finding friends and like minded people from across the globe – who cheer you on and are happy in your happiness – is a great feeling! ❤
    I have a couple of awards I need to reply to – I'll probably get to them this weekend! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Shay says:

      You’re very welcome and don’t worry there’s no need to apologise ❤️
      Yes, i completely agree! Making friends motivates me to keep making posts too!
      Looking forward to reading 😀


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