The Liebster Award! #2

I was nominated by Starr from Untold Constellations for The Liebster Award, an award encouraging bloggers to discover new blogs!

Thank you, Starr, so much for nominating me. She just started blogging this year and already, her blog is off to a great start! Her posts are honest, meaningful and personal and I’ve found they’re very relatable. She’s a great writer and her posts are very interesting so what are you doing? Go check her out!



  1. Thank the blogger, who nominated you.
  2. Share 11 facts about yourself.
  3. Answer 11 facts the blogger gave you.
  4. Nominate 11 bloggers, who deserve the award.
  5. Create 11 original questions for the nominees to answer.
  6. Let them know they’ve been nominated.


11 Facts About Me

  1. In this moment in time, I think I’m the only person and most definitely the only Marvel fan, who has not seen Black Panther. (YET!)
  2. Sometimes, when I look at something or someone for a while, things start to become really warped; things will look really big or really small and I can’t stop it. I used to get it a lot at parent’s evening when you’d have to sit face to face with teachers, which is awwwkward.
  3. I currently work in retail as a sales assistant, in a clothes store.
  4.  I wear a yellow coat everywhere and a lot of people call me Georgie from It and Paddington.
  5. I really want to voice a cartoon character one day. (Weird ambition, I know. XD )
  6. My favourite animal are wolves.
  7. I once accidentally ended up on set of Les Misérables (2012) while it was being filmed!
  8. 2017, despite the negativity in the world, was the best year of my life.
  9. I’m currently studying at sixth form, doing Biology, Chemistry and Psychology.
  10. My favourite video game is Overwatch.
  11. I used to watch Power Rangers in secret when I was younger because I didn’t want my mum to say I was a boy (she said it once as a joke but I was sensitive).


Starr’s Questions and My Answers

  1. Who or what inspired you to start blogging?
    -I don’t remember exactly but what I do remember is reading Girl Online and realising that blogging was a cool hobby and I was interested in pursuing it again (I had a previous blog which I deleted). It was also the beginning of the year and I wanted to do something fun because I tend to get bored and depressed during the first months.
  2. Have your blogging goals ever changed? How?
    -Probably. My intention when I first started blogging was to have fun and get better at writing and meet bloggers and although I still love meeting new bloggers and obviously still want to have fun with writing posts, my main goal is to spread awareness and share things I love and use WordPress as a platform to speak out, I guess.
  3. Movies or books?
    I hate to say this but, I haven’t read in a long time. I’ve read a few pages every now and again but I’ve been really busy. I’m going to have to go with movies. (I also did Media Studies and now appreciate film production a bit more.)
  4. Tea or coffee?
  5. Has blogging changed you in any way, or does it help you in any way? If yes, how?
    When I write informative posts (e.g. about feminism) I do a lot of research and even if I don’t include it into the posts, I still learn a lot and it makes me more educated on a particular topic and also a lot more open minded. And when I research new stuff, I tend to tell my friends, so I guess it’s helped me and others. 🙂
  6. What are your two favourite bloggers?
    I CAN’T PICK!!
  7. What’s your favourite TV Show?
    More like, what isn’t my favourite TV Show. For someone who’s “always busy”, I watch a lot of shows. But I have to say The Flash or Stranger Things.
  8. Are you a football (or soccer) fan? If yes, what team do you belong to?
    I am not a fan.
  9. What are the things that make you feel happy about being you?
    I like that I’m hardworking. I make a lot of lazy jokes about myself but I actually work, study, and focus on other projects I’m passionate about all the time. And even though it may sound vain, I like that I make people laugh. It makes me happy that I make other people happy (it’s like a selfish selfless things XD ).
  10. What are the things that make you sad about being you?
    I can be very self-conscious at times. I’m a little self conscious about my appearance.
  11. What do you aspire to become in the future?
    I really want to work in a lab as possibly a biochemist or work in another biological/biomedical science. I also want to publish a novel in the future.


My Nominees






Antonio Llergo

Ana Regina


The Dark Hound

In A Messy World

Josh Gross


11 Questions for Nominees

  1. What’s something (a topic) you could talk about for five minutes straight?
  2. Your opinion on pigeons?
  3. What’s your main long-term goals?
  4. Last text you sent? If it’s too personal, second to last text?
  5. Secret guilty pleasure you have (e.g. watching reality TV or gross pimple popping videos)?
  6. Favourite season and why?
  7. What motivates you to keep writing posts on your blog/website?
  8. Favourite film and why?
  9. Number one pet peeve?
  10. What other country than your own would you want to live in for at least a year and why?
  11. What do you think your unique feature is? (Like a feature of your appearance, personality, style, etc.)


Thank you again Starr for nominating me! And to the nominees, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to or if you’re busy but if you do, I can’t wait to see the responses and posts! 🙂



41 thoughts on “The Liebster Award! #2

  1. mphadventuregirl says:

    I am actually someone who does not like Marvel. I would rather watch musical movies than Marvel. Just my opinion. As for what inspired me to start my blog, well it was because friends and family convinced me to and I got hooked right away.

    Liked by 2 people

      • mphadventuregirl says:

        I was always told to start a blog and this is what my family said “you have a lot to say”. My blog changed a lot over the years. I started December 2015 and I did not see success until summer of 2016. It just develops slowly.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Shay says:

        That’s some great family advice. The first time my family heard about a blog I had before this one, they were very unsupportive. XD
        Yeah, I found the same thing when I started. It’s a slow but rewarding process. 🙂


  2. Josh Gross | The Jaguar says:

    Congratulations on the award, and thanks for the nomination!

    I really hope you get to work in a lab someday: that’s a great career goal. I’m always happy when I meet young people who are interested in science!

    Lastly, I haven’t watched Black Panther either. I was super busy when it came out, and now I want to wait until I go home in two weeks to see it for the first time: I want to be able to watch it with my old friends.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. TheUnknownWiki says:

    Thank you so much for the nomination! I’ve been nominated by another person too, so I’ll answer both of your sets of questions in one post. Number 2 is really interesting, I don’t know what’s it’s like but I can agree that parents evenings are awkward… Omg number 5 that’s so cool. Number 11 I kind of feel sorry for you. When I was younger I used to love playing with cars but I never played when there were other people around (apart from my parents and sister) and I still kind of do like things related with cars… I loved your answers and I can’t wait to answer your questions!

    Liked by 2 people

    • TheUnknownWiki says:

      This is long enough but also, because of how I have my blogging schedule, this award will be posted next week. (Unless I change my mind again XD)

      Liked by 1 person

    • Shay says:

      That’s cool! Can’t wait to see your answers 😊 Honestly I thought everyone could do that with their eyes and then one day I googled the cause of it and realised not everyone could do it. And for the thing about number 11, I think it’s cause we’re brought up thinking things like power rangers and cars are specifically for boys and tea parties and princesses are specifically for girls, which is untrue. It’s a bit silly really that we have to hide stuff we like 😂

      Liked by 1 person

      • TheUnknownWiki says:

        It’s a really interesting talent to have. Yeah, I think that when we were younger the stereotypes where much more clear but thankfully it’s changing now and even though the stereotypes are still here, not everyone takes notice of them.

        Liked by 1 person

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