The Mystery Blogger Award!

I was nominated twice by Josh Gross, quite a while ago, for this award, but put it off for a while at how daunting doing awards post are. It’s just too much work with all that talking about yourself and answering such difficult mind-boggling questions. Gosh, I’m even tired at the thought.

No, but really, I did put this award off for a while because although awards posts are fun to write, they can take a while. Talk about first world problems, huh.

Thank you Josh for the nomination! Since he nominated me twice, I’ll be answering two sets of questions from him!


“This is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates: it inspires and motivated. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging and they do it with so much love and passion.” 

-Okoto Enigma (original creator of the award)



  • Thank whoever nominated you and include a link to their blog – done.
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  • Answer the questions from the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 10-20 bloggers you feel deserve the award.
  • Ask your nominees 5 questions of your choice with one weird or funny one.
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.


Three Things About Me

  1. I have a really good episodic memory, which basically means I remember events with rich detail. It’s a blessing and a curse. 😂
  2. I was about ten when Amy Winehouse died and I was quite sad about it, even though I wasn’t a fan and barely knew her songs, at that time. It was a deep painful feeling as if I had this weird connection to her, that broke. Whenever I listen to her music now, I feel the same feeling. It’s very strange.
  3. I’m really clumsy.


Questions and Answers 

If you could take a free class on any topic, what would it be?
The intricate art of ghost busting. Or public speaking.


What is your favorite book?
Dead Ends by Erin Lange! It’s really good and she’s such an underrated author.


Do you have a specific place you like to go when you need to think? If so, where?
The toilet.


Imagine you’ve been commissioned to write any book you want. What kind of book would you write (e.g. fantasy, horror, memoir, nonfiction, etc.)?
I’m currently trying to write a book, which is a soft sci fi, with sociological themes in it.

A weird little book sneak peek

Funny/weird question: If you had to survive in one of the following inhospitable locations, which would you choose?

  • The arctic
  • The Kalahari Desert
  • The Amazon rain forest
  • Detroit

God, Detroit? You trying to kill me? I think I’d have to say The Amazon Rainforest. It would be nice to be able to say that I got suffocated to death by an anaconda.


Would you rather read a book or watch television?
As much as I love reading, watching TV requires little effort. However, right now, I am in the mood for reading.


If you had the opportunity to learn about any topic, which one would you choose?
Something Physics related, probably. I regret not taking Physics as an A level.

In a few words, what would be your ideal vacation?
I have two ideal vacations. First one: big city, night life, food. Second one: beach, pretty sunset, food. Basically…


So either get sand stuck in crevices I didn’t know I had or get trampled and crushed by bustling crowds.


Which suits you more: living in a large city or a small town? Or maybe someplace even more rural?
Large city because I’m used to that. I like small towns and rural areas but not to live in.

Weird question: If you could be any fantasy creature, which one would you choose?
I would want to be something like Cheshire Cat. You could disappear with your smile left behind in the darkness. Who wouldn’t want that? That, or some sort of morphing creature.


My Nominees


Ana Regina

Unknown Wiki


Yeo Ye Hang


Girl Illustrated



My Questions

  1. What’s the most interesting thing you heard or saw this week?
  2. Your opinion and view on aliens and alien conspiracies?
  3. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be? Just imagine they wouldn’t kill you if it’s something like a great white shark…
  4. Current mood?
  5. A very short yet wild/interesting story you can tell right now! GO!


Looking forward to the nominee’s answers, if you choose to embark on this award adventure.



16 thoughts on “The Mystery Blogger Award!

  1. TheUnknownWiki says:

    Congrats! I can’t wait for your book, if you’re going to share it, and your ideal vacation is also my ideal vacation! Also, thank you for the nomination! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lander7 says:

    You stated — “Do you have a specific place you like to go when you need to think? If so, where?
    The toilet.”

    My response — Mine is the shower. Does this mean we are in the same realm? Other realms being living rooms, kitchens and backyards.

    Liked by 1 person

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