Everyone’s Unique!

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire with the purpose of indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world around them and make decisions, stated by Wikipedia. And also apparently known as astrology for smart people. Choose what you believe! 😂


The idea is, you are categorised into one of 16 different personality types depending on your mind, energy, nature, tactics and identity.

You can take the test here or allow me to explain what each letter represents in the types. However, take the test anyway (it’s obviously more accurate than me explaining).



Mind is in regards to how we interact with our surroundings. In terms of MBTI, you’re either introverted or extroverted. But what about ambiverted, Shay? The test gives you a percentage of what you are so you may get 43% introverted and 57% extroverted, indicating you’re about 50/50 (an ambivert) but shows you’re predominantly extroverted.

‘I’ obviously stands for Introverted. Introverts prefer activities they can spend by themselves and have to recharge by being by themselves. They can get exhausted by social interaction and can be sensitive to external stimulation like sounds and smell. A misconception is that introverts are quiet. This is not necessarily true as it’s more about social preference rather that how much you speak, etc.

‘E’ stands for Extroverted. Extroverts prefer social activities and are energized by social interaction. They may be more enthusiastic and excited than introverts but again, being an extrovert does not necessarily mean you are loud and talkative. There can be quiet extroverts too.



Energy refers to how we see and process the world and are divided into: observance or intuition.

‘S’ stands for obServant and describes people as “highly practical, pragmatic and down-to-earth…focusing on what is happening or has already happened”.

‘N’ stands for iNtuitive and described people as “very imaginative, open-minded and curious…preferring novelty over stability and focus on hidden meanings and future possibilities.”



Nature is all about how we make decisions and cope with emotions. There’s either thinking or feeling.

‘T’ stands for Thinking and focuses on “objectivity and rationality, prioritizing logic over emotions.” T personalities usually hide their feelings.

‘F’ stands for Feeling, explaining these people as “sensitive and emotionally expressive…more empathetic and less competitive.” These types focus more on peace and harmony.



Tactics reflect on our approach to work, planning and decision making. You’re either judging or prospecting.

‘J’ stands for Judging, people who are “decisive, thorough and highly organized…valuing clarity, predictability and closure.” I see these types as the planners and organizers! A big misconception, I’ve noticed, is that these people are bossy and boring. This is far from the truth as I know many fun and easy going J’s.

‘P’ stands for Prospecting. These people are “good at improvising and spotting opportunities…tend to be flexible, relaxed, nonconformists.” I see these people as spontaneous and procrastinators. A misconception on these types is that they are active and love the outdoorsy kind of people. P’s can be lazy and can even hate the outdoors. It’s more about being spontaneous with how you make decisions and your approaches to situations.



This type shows how confident a person is in decisions and abilities. You’ll find no one really mentions this part of their personality but it is still part of it.

‘-A’ is Assertive, meaning “self-assured, even-tempered and resistant to stress”.

‘-T’ is Turbulent, meaning “self-conscious and sensitive to stress…likely to experience a wide range of emotions”.



My personality type is ENFP-T, A.K.A The ‘Campaigner’. I did the test around 2014, then at around 2017 and again, today (2019), and I’ve gotten the same ENFP-T result (but not exactly the same percentage) suggesting it is quite reliable. My type means I’m extroverted (I do feel more energized when with people and get very depressed when I haven’t had social interaction for a while). It also means I am intuitive, feeling and prospecting as well as turbulent. However, I feel like I’m a bit 50/50 when it comes to Thinking and Feeling but my percentage says otherwise. I, however, still think I’m about 50/50. ENFPs are part of the diplomat group. Yes, there are groups:

  • Analysts (_NT_)
  • Diplomats (_NF_)
  • Sentinels (_S_J)
  • Explorers (_S_P)



I, personally, think MBTI is really interesting and useful.

  1. Mental Health – The decision making, abilities and approaches of an individual can help with mental health as it takes into account the person rather than isolating and reducing them to just their mental illness. For example, as I said, I get depressed when I haven’t had enough social interaction. I feel like I need to recharge by socialising instead of being by myself to recharge. This can be taken into account to help to encourage people to place themselves in situations, which satisfy them and ‘recharge’ them. Keeping an extrovert alone will only make them more depressed.
  2. Understanding Perspectives – These personality types can help people to come to grips with the fact that everyone has different approaches, decision making, abilities, etc. Therefore, I feel like it encourages people to  understand we’re not all going to see the world and certain situations in the same way and encourages us to be accepting of everyone as we all have different personalities. For example, a J (judging) is more likely to approach schoolwork, for example, with schedules and good planning whereas a P (prospecting) is more like to procrastinate and be more spontaneous with how they work, doing it when they get bursts of motivation. It can help you appreciate the differences in how people are.
  3. Story Writing – For a while, now, I’ve been using MBTI to build up characters in my stories. The types help to see how characters may respond in situations in the story and can help to develop them.
  4. Realizing Your Flaws – If you lack insight into your personality and weaknesses, MBTI is good at pointing out your strengths and weaknesses, highlighting areas you can improve in, for example I can improve in my practical skill and limit how much I overthink (cause I do that A LOT).


That all being said, the little letters you get as a result of the MBTI test is just a brief outline of your personality. Obviously, you have more depth that four/five letters and it doesn’t do justice to your identity but it gives insight. One INTJ may be funny whereas another INTJ may not be. The 16 personality types does not mean there are only 16 kinds of people in the entire world.

I do highly recommend doing the test, though. It’s interesting and fun and highly highly detailed if you read through all the information they give you about your personality type and you can find out what celebrities have the same personality type as you! Amy Schumer and Danielle Radcliffe apparently have the same personality type as me. 😄


Comment your personality type!




P.S. All the images used are from the 16 Personality Types website as they’re so vibrant and well drawn. Credit to the illustrator (it’s not specified who).

Japanese Psychology Game!


That’s hello in Italian by the way. XD


I have returned from my wo-man cave, aka my room!

Sorry that I haven’t posted in a while, I’ve been busy…..

That sounds like a legit excuse, right?!


Anyway, recently I came across this Japanese psychology game. But you already knew that, I’m guessing, unless you’re a weirdo and skipped the title. And if you did, weird isn’t a bad thing! (Please don’t kill me.)


This game is supposed to reveal aspects of your personality, even bits you might not have known. Also, it’s not actually a game. More of a quiz.

I’m going to write out the quiz below and then tell you what my answers (what I pictured) were when I first did it.


Imagine you’re walking through a desert…and you see a cube. How big is this cube? What material is it made out of? And how far is the cube from the ground?

Somewhere near the cube, imagine a ladder. Where is it in relation to the cube? And what is the ladder made of?

Picture a horse next to the cube and ladder. Is it wearing anything? (Reins, saddle, etc.) Now what is the horse doing?

Now imagine  flowers somewhere in the scene. How many are there? And how far away are they from the cube?

Lastly, there’s a storm starting. How close is it to the cube, ladder, horse, and flowers? And are you scared of it?

Now remember all of that!


My answers:

The cube I saw was slightly bigger than an ordinary rubix cube and was made of glass. It was sitting in the sand.

The ladder was standing slightly behind the right of the cube and was made of metal.

The horse wasn’t wearing anything and it was standing right next to the ladder and at one point I imagine it’s hoof on the bottom step.

So this is what I found funny. XD I imagined tons of flowers behind the cube, ladder and horse. They weren’t too far, they were just in the background.

The storm was very near it all and I think I was more concerned than scared.


What it all means!

The size of the cube is the size of your ego. XD I’m glad I imagined quite a small cube. The transparency of the cube represents how open you are with people. Mine was completely transparent so apparently I’m EXTREMELY open with people. The closer it is to the ground, the more grounded you are. So I guess I’m a pretty grounded peson. 😉

The distance between the ladder and cube shows how close you are with your friends. So I’m pretty close with my friends. If the ladder is leaning on the cube it means your friends can lean on you for support. The sturdier the material of the ladder, the stronger your bonds are with people.

If the horse was tied up or saddled, you like more control in relationships. And the wilder the horse, the wilder you like your relationships. I’m a bit of a wild one, then.

Here’s the best bit. XD The more flowers you pictured, the more children you want. I imagined the whole background of the scene with flowers! I told you I was a wild one. 😉 XD The closer the flowers are with the cube, the more you’re thinking about kids.

The storm represents stress. The closer and more threatening it is, the more stressed you currently are.


So do you think that was accurate?

Tell me what you imagined in the comments! 😀


Go on an adventure.

-Shay :3